Share visual work in online classes!
A stimulating home for courses with image based content and hands-on assignments.

- Student engagement
- Active Learning
- Collaborative learning
- Formative feedback
In partnership with two leading Dutch universities, Sketchdrive is on a mission to amplify learning beyond the classroom. Founded on the principles of ‘learning by doing’ we created an online platform for visual interaction.

Visual interaction
We are interacting with visual content online in more ways than ever before, yet most online learning platforms fail to utilize visual work to enhance student performance.
Sketchdrive is an interactive tool to easily share, view and discuss visual work online. Drive curiousity, exploration and conversation to augment the learning experience in your course.

Learn by doing
Skills cannot be trained by simply watching videos. Especially in creative disciplines such as photography, design or architecture, making and reflecting are fundamental to the overall learning experience. What if you want learners to sketch out their ideas or take pictures to illustrate their point of view?
Use Sketchdrive to support active learning with hands-on assignments and easily monitor and review student progress and results.
Collaborative learning
Isolation and self-motivation are some of the biggest challenges facing online learners today. To prevent dropout you need to activate your course community and trigger interaction.
The dynamic activity feed in Sketchdrive invites learners to interact and learn together increasing your course completion rates!

“We use Sketchdrive to create interactive online activities comparable to F2F studio design activities”
Johannetta Gordijn - Learning Developer | Teaching and Learning Services | TU Delft
“I now have the visual work of 450 students at my fingertips directly on my iPad”
Eddy van den Bos - CAD Specialist | Aerospace Engineering | Aerospace Structures and Materials |TU Delft
“I see Sketchdrive as a huge world wide Museum in which my online students can share, inspire and comment each other's work”
Martijn Stellingwerff - Assistant professor | Faculty of Architecture |TU Delft
Sketchdrive is used by

Need a platform to share visual work in your online classes?
Contact us to get started free of charge!
Tip: use Sketchdrive in combi with Teams/Zoom or blended in your physical classroom!
About us
Sketchdrive is an online platform for sharing visual work in online classes. It is successfully being used worldwide in online courses with image based content and hands-on assignments.